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A Letter to Foreign Friends in Hebei

A Letter to Foreign Friends in Hebei
On January 10, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Hebei Provincial People's Government issued an open letter to foreigners in Hebei, the content is as below:

A Letter to Foreign Friends in Hebei


Dear foreign friends:



Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the foreign friends in Hebei Province have been actively supporting the work of epidemic prevention in our province, and fully understand and support the measures to prevent and control the spread of foreign invasion and internal control in our province. 



Recently, new local cases and asymptomatic infections have appeared again in Shijiazhuang and Xingtai City of our province. Please understand that the relevant prevention and control measures will bring you some inconvenience. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and ensure the health and safety of you and your family, we hereby remind you:



1.Please continue to follow the requirements of the local government and epidemic prevention and control departments, seriously abide by the prevention and control measures, and take the initiative to do a good job in health monitoring for yourself and your family. If you have abnormal symptoms such as fever, cough, loss of sense of smell and taste, or encounter difficulties in life, please report to your community or invited unit in time. In case of visa expiration, please contact the local foreign affairs department in time.



2. Please pay attention to the official website of Foreign Affairs Office of Hebei Provincial People's Government (//, mobile phone client and WeChat micro-blog official account on epidemic situation. In case of emergency, call the 24-hour service hotline of Hebei foreign affairs system.



Thank you for your understanding and support! I wish you good health, peace and happiness!




Foreign Affairs Office of Hebei Provincial People's Government


January 10, 2021

Source: China Daily

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