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Costa Rica Students in China at Zhejiang Gongshang university(ZJSU) testimonials

Costa Rica Students in China at Zhejiang Gongshang university(ZJSU) testimonials



      "Excellent International Students: Layla Delgado. Deep Love for Chinese Culture to Create a Wonderful Youth"


Name:Layla Delgado
Nationality: Costa Rica
Major: Accounting
College:College of Accounting

Award-winning, Outstanding Experience

• Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship for International Students
• Certificate in “The Global Youth Training Program of Cross-Border E-Talents”
• Third Place in the Zhejiang Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
• Participant in the 2020 Summer Traditional Chinese Dance
• Participant in the 2020 World Young Scientist Summit

Costa Rica Students in China Testimonials       

     Perseverance can turn a huge iceberg into a sea;Confidence can turn a hard rock into a relief.

    Believe that you are great, that there is something magnificent about you, that you can have anything you want, but you have to decide what you want, then with discipline and hard work you can achieve it. 

          Costa Rica Students in China Testimonials


      The first time I came to China I was charmed by its glamorous cities, lovely gardens, views that take your breath away, amazing spectacles, temples and history behind it, delicious cuisine and warm people. Besides, one of the things that I admired the most of the Republic of China was the progress in terms of infrastructure and technological advances. But, why did I want to come to study here? Well because, I wanted to gain deeply understanding of the culture and learn new ways of doing things.

              I consider myself as a part of the generation of women who is looking for new challenges, break stereotypes and achieve what is proposed. Therefore, I thought to study in China would be an excellent opportunity to obtain more and new knowledge throughout the doctoral’s program that would enhance my skills and competences in a path that, not only would open new opportunities but also would help me to grow as a better person and professionally. Likewise, what is for sure is that every day we are dealing with constant changes, that requires new knowledge and self-improvement, so, it is a must to gain deeper theoretical and practical knowledge, that in my case is, by exploring the exciting world of the accounting.

           More information about Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZJSU)-           Scholarships and costs    

Living in China has been a wonderful experience.Right now, I’m taking my second year at ZJSU. The journey is still beginning, there are a lot of things to do, for what my days are oriented to achieve my research’s milestones. Besides, despite of been in the middle of Covid- 19, here at ZJSU, there is no time to get bored, there are plenty of extra-curricular activities to do. For instance, we have entrepreneurial competitions, food competitions, dancing training, Kung Fu online classes. We go to the gym and play ping pong, badminton and, billiard among others.

    Now that I am in China fulfilling my dream, I am feeling very grateful, so I like to thank the people who, so far, have been doing it possible. Thus, I feel very grateful with Zhejiang Provincial Government and Zhejiang Gongshang University for their kind support; very grateful with my supervisor, who is the best and who has given me the necessary tools to achieve different strategic objectives along the program; very grateful with my coordinators, who are always willing to help and guide, and the list could go very long, my professors, my classmates, my friends, people who are in charge of organizing the events, people from the canting, who by the way cook deliciously, and in general, all the people who have helped me in one way or another. Thank you all.

        Finally, I would like to add that amid Covid-19, I see a future of abundant potential, abundant possibilities for me, for you, for everybody; just do not give up and follow your bliss.

    The only thing in the world that can be made out of nothing is dream. "Where hills bend, streams wind and the pathway seems to end." But as long as you are willing to go.There will always be a way The role model has been set by Layla Delgado the future of the international ZJSUers lies at  her own feet

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