Xidian University provides the following scholarships for outstanding international students:
Chinese Government Scholarship
The Chinese Government Scholarship usually covers tuition, living expenses, accommodation and medical insurance, and students are subject to strict annual review after receiving the scholarship. Applicants can apply for Chinese Government Scholarship through either Type A or Type B, but not through the two channels.
1.Type A-Bilateral Programs
Application majors: All majors are available.
Application process: Please apply to the sending department or the Chinese Embassy (Consulate General) of your country. Please check the contact information of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. The application period is usually from November to April of the following year. Applicants can contact Xidian University first, inform intention of the scholarship application, and apply through the International Student Application System, we will issue Pre-admission Notice to the qualified applicants. Applicants then can submit their scholarship applications to Chinese Embassy and Consulate and log into the system of China Scholarship Council to complete the online application process.Please select "study program Type A", and consult the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home country forInstructions of CGS Information Management System for International Students and Agency Number.
2. Type B- Silk Road Program
Application majors: Only the Chinese courses listed in catalogue are allowed.
Application process: Applicants apply directly to Xidian University. Applicants are required to login the system of China Scholarship Council to complete the scholarship online application process. Please select "study program Type B", and fill in 10701 at Agency Number. After completing the application at the system of China Scholarship Council, please download the Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form and upload it together with other application documents to the International Student Application System.
First-class scholarship: including tuition and living allowance 1,200RMB per person per month
Second-class scholarship: includes tuition fees
Third-class scholarship: includes 50% of tuition fee
Huashan Scholarship holder are required to participate in the annual evaluation, and only those who pass the evaluation can continue to hold the scholarship. Applicants should fill out the Application Form for Huashan Scholarship and upload it together with other application documents to the International Student Application System.
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