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China Pharmaceutical University(CPU) 2021 Masters Programs

China Pharmaceutical University(CPU) 2021 Masters Programs


   01. CPU Facts

  • Founded back in 1936 and located in ancient and cozy city of Nanjing.
  • The largest pharmaceutical university and one of the “Double First-Class” universities affiliated with the Ministry of Education. 

In 2020, 5 disciplines including Pharmacology, Toxicology, Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, and Materials Science ranked ESI global top 1%, especially, Pharmacology and Toxicology ranked ESI global  top 1‰ (5 out of 10,000), 34th in the world and 1st in China.
    02. Admission Requirements

    1.Bachelor's degree or equivalent academic background.

    2. Healthy and under the age of 35.
    3. Minimum Chinese language requirement: HSK4 or above (for Chinese-taught programs).

   4. Minimum English language requirement: IELTS 6.5 or above or IBT 90 or above (for English-taught programs).

 5. Abide by China's laws and regulations, as well as the university rules.

        03 .How to Apply

           Applicants should apply on the International Student Service System:

   Deadline: July 15, 2021

    04.   Application Documents

1. Passport (personal details page)

2. Certified /notarized copies of academic transcripts
3. Certified /notarized copies of graduation/degree certificate
4. Language test report

5. Study and research plan 
6. Published academic papers or other academic achievements if applicable

7. Two references

8. Letter of Acceptance issued by your supervisor at CPU
9. Completed Foreigner Physical Examination Form

10. Non-criminal record

11. Financial statement

05. Scholarships




Chinese Government Scholarship

3 years


Nanjing Government Scholarship

1 year


CUP President Scholarship

3 years



1.Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship should also do online application here: Select CHINESE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP and the Agency No. is 10316.

2. Scholarships are subject to annual review.

06 Term of Study and Expense Standard 

 1. Term of Master’s Degree Programs: 3 years.

 2. Application Fee: RMB 400.

 3. Tuition Fee: 

    Chinese-taught programs: RMB 25000/year

    English-taught programs: RMB 32000/year

4. Insurance: RMB 600-800/year

5. Accommodation: 

Jiangning Campus (Double Room)

RMB 7200/year/person 

     07 .Programs

  •  2021 Chinese-taught Programs

  • 2021 English-taught Programs

     08  Contact us

China Pharmaceutical University

School of International Education

Tel: 0086-25-86185423



Address: #639 Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China, 211198

Skype: internationaloffice_cpu, QQ: 1802041991


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