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Analysis of landing pages of overseas universities| Case study

Analysis of landing pages of overseas universities| Case study


Attracting and converting potential students through specific, targeted landing pages is a must for digital marketing. What are the landing pages of excellent overseas college admissions, and how do they use the landing pages to convert? Let's find out.

What is a University Landing Page?

A landing page is a self-contained webpage that provides specific information, designed for students to take the desired action—and is a key component of college admissions marketing strategies. This dedicated landing page should be positioned according to your student persona, provide all relevant information, and be SEO optimized so that each page can be analyzed for both organic and paid web traffic.

How to Create a Great College Landing Page

University landing pages are good and bad. A good college landing page attracts the right target audience of potential students, provides them with the information they are looking for, and encourages them to take the next step - whether it's contacting the admissions office for more information, downloading a course PDF, or signing up to receive information Sexual emails.

A bad landing page may attract the wrong type of potential students (perhaps because your ideal student persona has not been clearly defined), fail to provide the information the student is looking for, or the student does not take the next step of action conversion.

So what is the page design of an excellent college admissions landing page, and how to create one?

1. Information Consistency

When it comes to well-performing college admissions landing pages, the key is consistency, where the landing page content should match the content of the ad campaign.

Consistent messaging is largely the reason landing pages exist. The home page of a college website must meet dozens, if not hundreds, of different needs—and landing page networks exist to capture one specific kind of traffic. If the landing page is inconsistent with the ad, full of irrelevant information, or trying to serve too many purposes and needs at the same time, your potential students won’t be able to find what they’re looking for, and there will be negative consequences. This is not what we want.

Example: Trinity Law School landing pages are very professional, aligning advertising messages with landing pages to provide landing pages that meet the specific needs of potential students who will be searching for more information about their law programs.


Analysis of landing pages of overseas universities| Case study

2. The information is clear and relevant

Potential students are looking for specific information about your school's programs - that's why they start searching. Knowing what questions potential students are asking about your program and answering them concisely and clearly on your landing page is critical.

Include key information such as program learning outcomes, schedule, tuition fees, delivery methods, scholarships, admissions conditions and any other information your potential students may be looking for. Or even take it to the next level and provide stronger illustration in the form of alumni testimonials/

Example: UCLA does an excellent job of providing clear and concise information about all of its higher education programs, from the duration of the program, to when the semester is scheduled, to how it is taught—all at a glance.

Analysis of landing pages of overseas universities| Case study

3. Design catches the eye

First Impressions Matter - Your admissions landing page may be the first impression your school makes on potential students, so landing page design is important.

What is a good landing page design? First, your school's brand image is clear and easily recognizable. Second, emphasize the most important information in the title and bold text. Third, use eye-catching images and graphics to showcase the key points of your landing page and provide a user-friendly experience.

Example: Columbia University's Teachers College utilizes original photography, unique design, bold headlines, and highlighted text to emphasize the most important information on the landing page and expertly guide users through the page.

Analysis of landing pages of overseas universities| Case study

4. Refine leads by letting potential students learn more

The final step in creating a landing page is to give potential students a way to convert!

After delivering a messaging consistent with the ad, answering all common questions about your school's program, and designing the page in a compelling way, the right potential students should be piqued - and they'll take the next step.
Excellent college admissions landing pages provide students with a clear path forward in the conversion funnel, the opportunity to reach out and learn more about the program, provide emails for updates or download program materials.

The ultimate goal of your school is to generate qualified leads, and an optimized page with an effective call to action is a perfect lead generation tool.

Example: The Grand Canyon University landing page contains multiple calls to action, urging students to take action. At the top of the page, there is a contact form field with questions to let marketers know about their potential customers, and further down the page, students have multiple opportunities to get more information.
Specific, targeted landing pages are a great admissions tool for driving high-quality traffic to your school’s website, introducing students to your school’s programs, attracting potential students, and generating qualified student leads.
Analysis of landing pages of overseas universities| Case study

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